UAOSU Employment Inventory
Your union-negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement has clear guidelines and procedures governing the most important aspects of your working conditions. Each year, you should review the following aspects of your employment to ensure that your department is honoring our agreement with the OSU administration.
Your union negotiated salary minima and pay increases for AYs 22-24! Check your pay stubs against our negotiated salary minima and pay increases.
Not sure how to access your pay stubs? Follow these instructions:
- Login to using your ONID password and DUO Authenticator. (We recommend using the desktop site, whether on computer or mobile device.)
- If it is not in the trending section or saved as one of your favorites, search for “Pay Stub” in the search bar at the top of the screen.
- From the Employee Dashboard, select “Pay Information,” then click on “All Pay Stubs.”
- Compare your last full pay check from your previous contract to the first full pay check of your current contract. For faculty on nine-month contracts, this would be your May and October paychecks.
- Your gross pay should have increased by the amount communicated to you by your department. If there is a discrepancy in your pay, please contact us immediately.
Returning Faculty (Full and Part-Time)
- Did you receive all your bargained raises?
- If you are on a 9-month contract, was your salary increase reflected in your September pay check?
- If you are on a 12-month contract, was your salary increase reflected in your July pay check?
- Per Article XVIII, Section 4 of our CBA, your salary is tied to the NIH minima.
- Are you at or above the NIH salary minima?
Position Description
According to Article XIV, Section 1 of our CBA, your position description should reflect the work you actually do in your department, especially since this document informs merit and promotion decisions.
Not sure how to access your position description? Follow these steps:
- Login to using your ONID password and DUO Authenticator.
- If it is not in the trending section or saved as one of your favorites, search for “Position Description” in the search bar at the top of the screen.
- Click on “My Profile” in the top right corner of the screen.
- Click on “Position Descriptions” and your position.
- Review your position description in the “Summary” section of your profile.
Now ask yourself the following questions:
- Does your position description reflect everything you are expected to do?
- Is it specific enough for your needs?
- When was it last revised? Were you consulted about the revision?
Teaching Workload
As negotiated in Article XIV, Section 2 of our CBA, your unit should have a clear workload policy that applies equally to all instructional faculty.
- Does your unit have a workload policy?
- Was the workload policy created/revised with faculty input?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, contact your supervisor.
Annual Review
Article XV of our CBA dictates that annual review processes must be clear and consistent. Your annual review must be based on an accurate position description, and the annual review process should be developed with input from faculty in your department.
- Did your supervisor initiate an annual review this year? If you have been previously promoted, did your supervisor initiate an annual review in the last two years?
- Were the expectations for your annual review clear and consistent with your unit’s policies?
- Do the criteria for your annual review reflect your position description? (And is the position description accurate?)
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, contact your supervisor.
Promotion Pathways
Thanks to our negotiations, promotion pathways have been expanded to all research and instructional faculty. You can learn more about what our union negotiated in Article XVI of our CBA.
- Do you know when you are up for promotion?
- Do you know how to complete and submit your promotion dossier?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, contact your supervisor.
Renewal Notification
Article XIII of our CBA outlines the renewal notification process. If you are returning faculty, you should receive your contract renewal notification at least one month prior to the end of your contract.
If you typically teach more than one term each academic year, this notification should reflect your appointment for the entirety of the coming academic year. Please contact us immediately if it does not.
For promoted faculty on two year contracts, you should receive a renewal every other year, and the notice should show that your contract extends over two years.
- Did you receive your renewal letter one month prior to the end of your contract?
- Does your notice include the length of your appointment?
- If you were non-renewed, did you receive your non-renewal notice in a timely manner? According to Article XIII, Sections 4 and 5 of our CBA, non-tenure track faculty should receive non-renewal notices at the following times:
- Unpromoted Faculty – 1 month notice prior to the end of your current contract
- Promoted Faculty – 4 months notice prior to the end of your current contract
- If you are promoted faculty and were non-renewed, have you invoked your right to a reason for your non-renewal, as outlined in Article XIII, Section 6 of our CBA?