3.1.24 – Nominations for union officers open today

Dear Members,


Starting today, the nomination period for our next UAOSU election for officer, representative assembly, and delegate positions is open. We have a new, simplified process for this election cycle!


If you’d like to run for office, just send an email to elections@uaosu.org expressing your self-nomination, and include two forwarded emails from other members in good standing who support your nomination.


All members who joined on or before November 1, 2023 can be put forward as a candidate for an officer position.  All members are eligible for nomination for delegate and for a representative assembly position for their college.


If you are running for a constituency Vice President position those nominations need to come from members in good standing of that constituency. If you’re running for a Representative position, those nominations need to come from members in good standing in your College or pool.


A list of all the positions, duties, and nomination requirements are available on our elections guide on our website. Additional resources available at uaosu.org/elections include templates for collecting nominating signatures and a timeline for the election process.


All nominations must be submitted to the election committee by 11:59 pm on March 31st, 2024.


If you have specific questions about the nomination process, or about the roles of union officers, please check out our election webpage, uaosu.org/elections, read our constitution and bylaws, or contact the UAOSU election committee directly at elections@uaosu.org.


In Solidarity,


Your UAOSU Elections Committee